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Изменено (xxsou1_reaperxx): 9/1/2021 3:15:03 AM

Quiet Company 343 recruiting clan mates (no mic required)

If you're looking for a short term clan, scroll to the bottom This is a relatively new clan for the people that either don't want to do raids, use mic, get on every single day, or anything too restrictive. personally, i don't like using mics in games because i have a problem talking to people lol but typing is so much easier. if you feel the same way, your house hold doesn't allow you to use mics, or you simply want to just enjoy destiny 2 with added rewards, then this clan might just be for you. my ideal vision for this clan is something passive yet efficient. as a clan most likely to be filled with people having social anxiety, being shy, or in general quiet for undisclosed reasons, i believe when our clan gets big enough we can have one solid raid team of close friends before joining our clan, if they only like playing with each other, but want clan rewards with the boosted numbers, as well as no "requirements" to enjoy said rewards. --- someday soon i hope to make a discord and have it set up properly so we can have a better more organized system to communicate on, but until then it'll be a work in progress --- here's a link to a more detailed clan introduction --- --- message me if you'd like to join and i'll make sure i respond to you (if i'm not asleep) i specifically am in the US EST time zone, but hopefully when the clan reaches 50(?) members, there will always be someone active in your time zone. we are also cross-play friendly, so any platform is welcome. (short term clan) i believe everyone should have the appropriate amount of time to decide if they like a clan or not. Quiet Company 343 is no exception when it comes to this, even though we thrive on no mics and no communication heavy activities. if you feel like you want to have a "trial" for the clan, let me know. i'd be happy to have any "stowaways" on board for a week or two and then kindly see you off to your future adventures with the clan that was meant for you.

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