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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
8/30/2021 6:50:10 AM

More Vault Space Please

After playing D2 for 4 years I’m nearly maxed out of my inventory in my vault. Every new season I clean and prune what I know I will never use , I make new armor builds to get rid of extra armor I won’t need. I have maybe a handful of sentimental year 2 guns and I don’t even keep all exotics gear like I used to. And still I’m 470/500. There are so many new weapons this season that I would love to grind out for but I know I would not be able to store them all! I know what you’re thinking, just get rid of stuff! But metas change constantly, sometime even mid season, I like to be prepared for any and all situations. My play style is adaptive, because I’ve spent thousands of hours grinding for the best gear I can do almost anything in the game I want to at any time . I don’t want to run into a situation where I delete a great rolled gun then 2 months later I need it again because it’s the best option for gms or pvp. For instance, lucky pants exotic, I hardly use hand cannons so I’ve never need the exotic, and I know I’ve had good rolls drop of it before but because of my limited space I never kept them, and now they’re all the rage. So I have to go after them again. To me it feels like passive sunsetting. Because I want the new gun I have to delete the old ones but then the old ones turn out to be better so I have to get them again, and a lot of my stuff is simply not farmable anymore. I know I’m not the only one who thinks this. I can’t imagine going into witch queen with the space we have now. We need more vault space . I will gladly pay in silver for extra space if that what it takes. Just let me keep the gear I worked hard to get and also be able to play with the new stuff!

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