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Изменено (Fred-9): 8/13/2021 3:43:24 PM

BB2021 Day 5: Days of tedium and Seconds of Terror

[spoiler]Note: Yes I skipped 4 days. Got new cats in the house. been preoccupied with the fluffy murder balls at home. I have attached a photo of one said murderfluff. His name Spud[/spoiler] After the events in Offtopia on your first day you stalked in the direction of the Pillars of Fire. for 4 days you walked the indeterminable miles towards your goal; whatever lies beneath the great flames in the sky. You passed through a dead and barren forest, and the taste of metal grows on your tongue, as you move. Along the way, you have met up with a procession of your fellow fighters, whose goals align with yours. As you make camp for the night on the 5th night, more approach with stories of horrible creatures in Offtopia, that seemed to be eating the affliction off the very streets. Harrowing tails of amoeba-like horrors consuming the dead and living alike. You are feeling a sense of ease as you chat around the newly built campfire when a bloodcurdling shriek awakens you and your comrades from the daze; the sound of snarling comes out at you from the Dark, and beady yellow eyes regard you hungrily. Out of the moonless night stalks a Leviathan beast with Cat-like movements and scaly skin- screeching at your brandished weapons with Wild Hunger-crazed spitting and deep growls. It is at least 13 ft tall by reckoning and stretches another 25 long, Many Tons of Killing machine. The beast circles your group, and appears ready to strike (mini-boss duration 1 weekend) OPENING EFFECT: All suffer "shattered senses" penalty because of the beasts disturbing nature and terrifying calls (-5 to hit)

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