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Изменено (Speaker): 8/6/2021 6:06:11 AM

Boss Battle is returning

6 stats... 100 points 3 weapon bonuses from 1-9000% 2 ability bonuses from 1-99000% 3 Legendary heros 1 CHONKIN BOSS who will win? Character sheet point pool for stats (100) STRength ( - ) AGIlity ( - ) ALErtness ( - ) INTelligence ( - ) VITality ( - ) WILlpower ( - ) Describe character- allowed 3 weapons, stats stamped by DM and 2 ability. weapons and abi9lities provide DM determined stat bonuses. Describe who, what, and where you fight for. If all of these criteria are not filled no dice. The madness begins monday. cry havoc

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