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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Spectre-Eighteen): 6/17/2021 3:13:08 PM

Savathûn is scared of her Worm lol

Savathûn is in trouble because her Worm keeps wanting Sword-Logic ‘food’ while she’s wearing her Osiris suit. That along with how she’s now an enemy of the Black Fleet makes me think we’re going to get help from the Pyramids to kill Savathûn (same as we got stasis to kill Eramis). She’ll probably try to betray her Worm and the Sword-Logic (like the heretics of the Scarlet Swarm) — that’s why she learnt necromancy off of Nokris. She no longer worships the Darkness like Oryx did. The Pyramids might make us their new ‘main man’ like Oryx once we kill Savathûn, as technically the Guardian will be the Taken King from killing all of the Hive Dynasty. EDIT: in some final override dialogue between Mithrax and “Osiris”, Osiris ends the convo by saying “yes… the key to victory is in the light” meaning Savathûn thinks it can use the light or the traveler maybe?

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