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Изменено (A Wizard With A Big Hat): 6/29/2021 5:10:53 AM

[XBOX 21+] Hey there, Guardian! Fenix Origins is looking for friendly, active members!

Hello There! Listen, Guardian. You've probably been wondering if you're going to find a clan of decent people; people who aren't looking for the sweatiest of the sweaty. A clan without insane requirements. Well, you've found us! if you're looking for a clan full of people who enjoy occasional raids, doing our weeklies together, and just hanging around and having fun in general (which includes memeing in Crucible!) Then boy are we the clan for you. Fenix Origins is a clan with few requirements but many benefits- we only ask that you be 21+, make your weekly 5k clan contribution, and that you do your best to play with other members of the clan. We don't bite, I promise! Our members are all working adults with fairly busy lives, so no stress about not being able to get on every night. We communicate primarily via discord and we are happy to set up raids, set aside time for PvP Comp, etc. If you need help with story missions, Strikes, Crucible, even learning a raid- we're always happy to help. If you want to just sit and talk, we're happy to help there too. We care about our clan mates. We love meeting new people and making friends. Hopefully we can meet you too! Drop me your GT and I can send you a message if you're interested. Best regards, Guardians :) -Admin Alli

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