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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
6/14/2021 6:30:12 PM

I have a theory about Savathûn’s plans

As we know, Savathûn is spreading her influence. Crow, Shaxx, Lakshmi, a good portion of the city’s population & who knows who else is under her influence. I have a theory about what she may have for us. In a post I made a while back about the possibility of making peace/an alliance with the Vex, I mentioned that there was no chance in hell of an alliance with the Hive. Somebody commented that Savathûn would possibly work with us if we killed her worm. [u]If[/u] that is true and she wants her worm dead, it got me thinking; What if Savathûn is spreading her influence throughout the city in order to use the people as leverage or hostages to force us into helping her? As we all know, Zavala ALWAYS puts the city’s inhabitants first, as any good leader should. But as said above, not only is the city falling under her influence, several important figures in the tower are as well. If my theory is right, what choice will we have but to help Savathûn? What are your thoughts?

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