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Изменено (Ghost): 5/23/2021 8:23:36 AM

Looking for 18+ women friendly clan PS5/PS4

Looking for a clan that is respectful, helps get raids or activities done, and has at least a few active women players. Been majorly burned by my last two clans over the past 2 years. I’ve been harassed, talked over, ignored, and treated like I don’t exist. Looking for a clan that is respectful to those respectful back and don’t bail on raids or trials activities. A clan that cares about its members, is very active, loves to help out and fill a raid or gm slot, and does not break off into private cliques while snubbing other helpful players. Need a clan that has at least 5 or more active women players(I’ve been lied to about this). I’m tired of feeling alone, being misunderstood, and mistreated by the toxic ass clans on the game. Discord is cool with me, I play all end game activities, major triumph Hunter and love to help others with triumphs and end game activities. I play at least 2 times a week, sometimes with my husband. Also am cool with fourtwenty but do not like playing with guys who get drink all the time in game.

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