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5/19/2021 9:12:34 PM

Outbreak Perfected Catalyst Missing

I'm coming back to the game after taking a break and I decided I wanted to upgrade my Outbreak Perfected only to not have the catalyst for it. I remember doing the mission "Zero Hour" twice to get the weapon itself and the catalyst and remember finishing but not actually completing the catalyst. I've been looking for the catalyst and could not find it, so I went back to the forums to check my D2 profile and to see that I actually did the mission on 2 separate occasions, the first 2 missions I did I had to restart because of something I can't recall what, but its clear I did it twice and doing the path to get the catalyst. I'm not sure if this is a bug or something but I really wish I could get the catalyst back because I'm not sure if I can at the moment. Matches:

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