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Destiny 2

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Изменено (Legend of Jordy): 5/15/2021 7:41:49 AM

Which Class is your Main? (Poll)







Comment your main subclass, I’ll keep a tally on this forum post. [i]Click the spoiler boxes below to view the votes.[/i] [quote] 1) Warlock | [i]205 votes, 29 comment-mentions[/i] 2) Hunter | [i]202 votes, 25 comment-mentions[/i] 3) Titan | [i]173 votes, 37 comment-mentions[/i] [/quote] [i]<!-- Last edit 1:42AM MST, 5/15/2021 -->[/i] [b]— TITAN —[/b] Most Popular: [u]Striker[/u] (Mid-tree) [spoiler] [b]Striker[/b] [i]14 votes[/i] [quote]Top-tree: [i]4 votes[/i] Mid-tree: [i]8 votes[/i] Bottom-tree: [i]1 votes[/i] Unspecified: [i]1 votes[/i] [/quote] [b]Sentinel[/b] [i]10 votes[/i] [quote]Top-tree: [i]5 votes[/i] Mid-tree: [i]4 votes[/i] Bottom-tree: [i]1 votes[/i] [/quote] [b]Sunbreaker[/b] [i]11 votes[/i] [quote]Top-tree: [i]2 votes[/i] Mid-tree: [i]1 votes[/i] Bottom-tree: [i]7 votes[/i] Unspecified: [i]1 votes[/i] [/quote] [b]Behemoth[/b] [i]2 votes[/i] [/spoiler] [b]— HUNTER —[/b] Most Popular: [u]Revenant[/u] [spoiler] [b]Gunslinger[/b] [i]5 votes[/i] [quote]Top-tree: [i]2 votes[/i] Mid-tree: [i]2 votes[/i] Bottom-tree: [i]1 votes[/i] [/quote] [b]Arcstrider[/b] [i]7 votes[/i] [quote]Top-tree: [i]2 votes[/i] Mid-tree: [i]3 votes[/i] Bottom-tree: [i]1 votes[/i] Unspecified: [i]1 votes[/i] [/quote] [b]Nightstalker[/b] [i]4 votes[/i] [quote]Top-tree: [i]0 votes[/i] Mid-tree: [i]1 votes[/i] Bottom-tree: [i]2 votes[/i] Unspecified: [i]1 votes[/i] [/quote] [b]Revenant[/b] [i]9 votes[/i] [/spoiler] [b]— WARLOCK —[/b] Most Popular: [u]Voidwalker[/u] (Top-tree) [spoiler] [b]Voidwalker[/b] [i]13 votes[/i] [quote]Top-tree: [i]7 votes[/i] Mid-tree: [i]4 votes[/i] Bottom-tree: [i]1 votes[/i] Unspecified: [i]1 votes[/i] [/quote] [b]Dawnblade[/b] [i]6 votes[/i] [quote]Top-tree: [i]2 votes[/i] Mid-tree: [i]4 votes[/i] Bottom-tree: [i]0 votes[/i] [/quote] [b]Stormcaller[/b] [i]8 votes[/i] [quote]Top-tree: [i]1 votes[/i] Mid-tree: [i]3 votes[/i] Bottom-tree: [i]4 votes[/i] [/quote] [b]Shadebinder[/b] [i]2 votes[/i] [/spoiler] __________________________________ Thanks everyone for participating in this survey! It's nice to get a good understanding of what people are playing. Seems like every tree is used by someone. I'll let everyone pick two since there are several voters who switch between two subclasses. I'll try to update this list each day.

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