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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (SamIAm): 5/3/2021 10:08:19 PM

Eyes of Tomorrow drop rate is still -blam!-ing broken

My friend who I raid with regularly has had an unfortunate experience in Destiny 2's most recent raid Deep Stone Crypt. He not only completed the raid on day one and flawless, but has completed the raid on each character every week since its release and then some. He has done it 88 times total WITH 69 TOTAL LOOT CLEARS. Every week we go through the raid on all 3 characters and every week he goes without the drop. He has been soft locked out of the Descendent Seal for 2 seasons now. almost 2 months ago Bungie claimed that they "fixed" its drop rate however it hasn't seemed to change anything. He is still without the rocket and I think that is BS. Fix your game Bungie. He deserves the rocket more than anyone who has gotten it.

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