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Изменено (Prometheus): 2/11/2021 5:22:58 PM

Dawn always comes старое

Howl of the Storm cannot be activated if slide was activated on non-keyboard Ctrl

I have a mouse with 2 additional keys, one of them is set to Ctrl. I usually use it to slide. Unfortunately, when this key is used, Howl of the Storm cannot be activated. If I use Ctrl on keyboard, everything is fine. Watch attached vid for details. There was such an issue with uppercut (middle Arcstrider melee ability) long time ago, I reported it in June 2019 (I was not able to find it in the forum history, but I have [url=]a vid on YouTube[/url]). Hopefully, it was fixed last time I used that ability. Probably, now uppercut has this issue again; will check later.

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