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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/27/2021 3:21:26 PM

Trials is decent fun and hard when going for three wins, but the rest feels bad

Title. I think trials needs a rework to have its place in d2, especially the fact that some weeks aren’t worth it to play at all. I’m a pretty decent player, and manage to get three to five wins each week without much problem. However, I don’t feel like ever going flawless, as it seems to rely on luck more than skill. This in mind, I have a few ideas for trials: I think that the idea of three losses making you unable to play should stay, but other aspects should be changed. Flawless should unlock a more prestigious level of trials, with adept mods dropping randomly at wins and a larger amount of tokens. At 6 wins with no losses, you unlock the lighthouse with a dsc style chest. Here you can spend tokens to get what you want. Also, it gives you an emblem and 2 special rank ups for Saint. Then you can return to Saint-14 to get upgrades for your loot, similar to Variks’s. This can include stuff like getting two perks in the last column, or increasing the amount of tokens you get depending on how many wins you have. You can also rank up through challenges, which if you put enough time into, you can finish even as a pve player. Finally, I think the game mode itself should be changed. Perhaps altered showdown, or elim with shorter rounds? Let me know what you think about all of these proposed changes in the comments.

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