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Изменено (JOJO): 3/18/2021 5:36:30 PM

Dream Clan (PC) PvE & PvP All skill levels are welcome Looking for more Active Players

Are you tired of crying yourself to sleep because your blueberries are complete garbo at gambit? Do you wish there was a clan with active members who just like to help each other out? Have you never done a raid and just want a team willing to teach you how to complete it? Do you have unfinished exotic quest that you just can't seem to solo? Are you tired of having to go on LFG and play with randoms? That sounds like a lot of you problems but maybe DRΞAM can help you out About: DRΞAM is a NA PC clan that does both PvE and PvP activites. To any new members joining, we are a steam-based community focused on raids, strikes, and crucible. If you want to have fun/chill while you raid, do strikes, dungeons, or just get your light level up to par, we are here to help :3 All of us are typically 19+ but we will accept anyone as long as you're chill If this sounds like fun to you, then come play with us! We have 60+ members. The real dream is to have enough active players to run multiple activities. Feel free to drop in our discord and see for yourself and if you like our community you can become part of dream too! I'm also willing to private message with you if you don't want to join discord right away~brought to you by the jojo foundation (not a real foundation)~jojolings

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