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3/17/2021 3:04:11 PM

Marionberry since getting a Series X

Hoping someone can help! Since getting a Series X I've been unable to play as I constantly get marionberry error on load up. We have 2 xboxs in the house connected at any 1 time and there are no issues with destiny on the other console (xbox One X). There was also no issues before I got a Series X, with playing Destiny at the same time as the other xbox. We've tried resetting modem and UPNP is turned on - nothing has changed. By some miracle it worked briefly one day for no apparent reason (we thought it was because I loaded destiny up first before the other xbox did, but after trying to replicate this it didn't work). Have no issues with any other game, NAT is open and it was literally fine before I got the Series X and the Series X version of the game. Any help would be appreciated since I literally can't play anymore.

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