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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/6/2021 2:14:18 AM

the grind a bit much?

the battlegrounds matches take about 15 to 12 minutes, you have to do about 5 of them to get random rolls on a gear or weapon. But compared to wrathborn hunts, you can get powerful legendary gear that's even more specific in less time (if you have problems with the boss even with a raid banner?). And in an hour of gameplay I had over 10 engram drops, 4 pinnacle engrams, and too many umbral engrams then I know what to do with. (its an embarrassment of riches) What I'm trying to get at is, I understand that we are trying to influence the type of drop, but the amount of time it takes with battlegrounds, my time would be better spent doing other activity. I wish they could just reduce the hammer charges because it's still random rolls. If it was pinnacle or Powerful gear okay, but it not and no Drifter dialog on Recaster :( On the bright side, love the dialog on battleground

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