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Изменено (Merc): 8/18/2021 12:12:46 AM

XBOX - Recruiting New members! No PVE or PVP requirements! We are here for fun!

Vicious Rabbit is currently recruiting active players for an experience of fun, laughter and teamwork. We are looking for some new people to chat, have fun and enjoy Destiny with. It doesn't matter your skill - Vicious Rabbit is a clan where people have fun and bond over playing this game. There are no PVE or PVP requirements, no discord, no minimum participation or weekly roll calls.......The only rule we have is be respectful! We try to have weekly raids for the players that want to experience the endgame content. We also have constant chatter and helpful leadership in the companion app that will assist you with anything to the best of their abilities. If you are looking for a fun, chill and laid back environment with no pressure to play Destiny with some friends, then you've found the right place. To join, click on this link Hope to meet some fun new people! -Merc

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