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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
2/26/2021 3:38:52 PM

Change fireteam requirements for certain quests

Hey Bungie, Digging the updates that you gave us on the state of play yesterday, looking forward to most of it. Could you guys change some of the fireteam requirements for joining restricted quest activities that we've already finished? Trying to help a friend go through the wish ender quest, but I can't join him for the "???" portion of the quest because I've finished it on all three of my characters, and it says it's restricted to people who have the quest step. I'd rather not have to delete a character, make a new one, run through the whole forsaken campaign, then the wish ender quest just to help my friend with two or three quest steps. He'd do it solo, but can't because of a hand injury, so this quest step has become increasingly frustrating for him. Thanks in advance.

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