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впервые опубликовано в: StarWars VS Harry Potter (Power-wise)
Изменено (Winter): 2/25/2021 8:01:32 AM
I did some homework and I'm back to bring all of you one thing: Dementors! They're the spooky reaper ghosts that used to serve as the guards for wizard prison. Neat nerd stuff: - Impossible to destroy or kill - Can only be fended off with a rare spell - Feed on peace, hope, and happiness - Can put their victims in a vegetative state for which there is no cure - Their numbers grow from death and decay - Their presence alone brings cold and saps positive emotions, both of which are amplified with their numbers - they fly and are undead - Muggles can't see them (So, everyone in the Star Wars universe!) ...[i]And there are so very many of them[/i]... Go ahead and blow up all the planets you want! They'll just fly into your ships, through your fancy lightsaber swings, and suck the life outta ya! Thank you for coming to my DedTalk

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