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2/20/2021 7:57:42 AM

The Hallowed Lair strike bugged in multiple ways

So not only when we run the Hallowed Lair strike does it not let us proceed with the playlist by resetting us to the beginning upon completion and locking us out after the first room, but also bounty progress cease to continue after you hit the boss room at some point. Literally will stop counting progress for Every single bounty you have until you leave the strike since you can not gradually complete it and go to the next. Instead of patching things that don’t need patching, or nerfing hard earned exotics, how about we fix the normal things in the games like strikes currently in the game, strikes that were supposed to be in the game (s.a.b.e.r.), and mods that we have but don’t have when they are some of the most important.

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