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2/19/2021 6:24:52 AM

BUG REPORT: Celestial Hunter Cape - Graphical Issue

Summary: When a Hunter has the exotic leg armor "ST0MP-EE5" equipped and is wearing the Celestial Hunter cloak ornament, a graphical issue can be seen when sprinting in dark/dimly-lit areas. Requirements: - Hunter character - ST0MP-EE5 exotic Leg Armor equipped in Leg Armor slot - Celestial Hunter Eververse Ornament applied to Hunter Cloak - Character is sprinting - Area is dark/dimly-lit (test area: Tower) Result: The charged lighting affect that surrounds the player model when a Hunter character sprints while wearing ST0MP-EE5 illuminates the Celestial Hunter Cloak ornament incorrectly. Instead of highlighting the outline of the cloak, due to the complicated nature of the design, the physical base shape (primitive) of the cloak is highlighted, instead. This appears as if the Celestial Hunter Cloak is actually a design on an invisible cloak. (On second testing) Another possibility is that the charged illumination applies a "shiny" overlay onto the cloak, causing light sources to incorrectly reflect where there is no object (reflecting off of an invisible shape). Cause: This is most likely either an oversight or purposeful action rather than a true graphical glitch. Due to the complex nature of the Celestial Hunter Cloak ornament, it would be more feasible from an effort perspective to ignore the minor glitch which can only be seen by the player in third person or by other players. Reason for change: Other than causing a minor grievance, there are no objectionable affects observed.

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