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Изменено (Bjornikof): 2/14/2021 1:48:40 PM

Battleground: Hailstone Bugged

So, I'm trying to finish the "Crash and Converge" seasonal challenge and Destiny is making it impossible for me. I'm entering the Battlegrounds to smash the chests and it keeps getting bugged. Nothing moves, nothing works properly it's just an overall mess honestly. Despite that I just wait it out and the god damn chests don't even appear. How am I supposed to play if it doesn't even let me? This is the second time I played this specific battleground for NOTHING. It's getting tiring. Worst part is, this started happening after I spent money on Beyond Light. I wish I didn't got it at all... Does Bungie do anything about these problems? I couldn't even find a place where I can send a ticket about this. I just want to enjoy a game that I paid for... Screenshots: [url][/url] [url][/url]

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