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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
2/8/2021 8:48:50 PM

Graphics in shadowkeep was better

Good on Europa and in Tower. Too much volumetric lighting in every other destination, weird contrast and color saturation. Why, Bungie? Game looked fantastic before Beyond light. You reworked all the lighting mostly for bad (with some exceptions) and broke PC performance. I know many players didn’t notice that or just don’t care, big streamers don’t complain about that too. Pvp maps looks like sh*t, everything too shiny. Nessus maps and Javelin-4 looks trashy. Player models have bad visibility on any map Guns shining brighter than sun Also, thorn now not glowing green, instead it’s now white for the most part. Also it’s not related to HDR, nor is related to faulty monitor etc, it is the game issue

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