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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (WalriderAlp): 1/19/2021 4:19:54 AM


Title. Menagerie was an absolute blast to play, and felt rewarding. We could customize the loot we got, it just an absolute blast. [spoiler](I called it an absolute blast twice: that's just how fun it was.)[/spoiler] Forge Ignitions were similarly fun to play, and the BA weapons were *so incredibly powerful*. You know why? Because they had the chance to roll with perk combinations no other weapon had. You seriously messed up by taking these things away. SO, return the Menagerie AND the Black Armory, and also bring our current Menagerie and BA weapons up to the current level cap. And maybe do away with sunsetting while you're at it. That'll help make the player base happy. Update: to further prove my point, today I pulled my Blast Furnace and Kindled Orchid out of the vault for a meme. Using them, for the first time ever, I managed to solo a Heroic Ether Corruption event.

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