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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
1/8/2021 5:14:43 PM

59 Days into Beyond Light.

It's day 59 of the new expansion and I thought I'd give a sum up on things. So far I have been loving Beyond Light, but It has it's up and downs. (Spoilers ahead for those who haven't got through it yet). Ups 1. Story - I have not enjoyed a story since Foresaken. BUT (This is a big one), I feel like Beyond Light has done better long term because of the Season of the Hunt story. Although the the fight against Eramis, her underlings and Taniks is over. The evolving story with Crow has kept me interested and I would hop on in an instant to find out what happens next. Also the lore about the Deep Stone Crypt and the Bray family is just icing on the cake. 2. Gunplay and Weapons - Weapons this season have felt great, I feel like nearly every weapon has a place and chasing after the best has been brilliant. Perks like reconstruction just tell me that I need to do another run on the Deep Stone Crypt. I thought the Guillotine was the one of the best weapons in the game, then Lost Lament comes in here and shows us that the Guillotine is made out of rubber compared to it. The Exotics are brilliant this season in design and power. 3. Design - Bungies design has been since the launch of Destiny in 2014 the best in the business. Environment, armours, weapons, right down to the textures and bitmaps are just excellent. I'm not just speaking about the visuals. The soundtrack is spot on. The composers did an excellent job. Personal favourites being Athanasia and Security Breach. Listening to them back to back is fantastic. 4. PvP & PvE- I enjoy the change in PvP. Stasis (Although It needs some tweak's) really changes up how I think, I don't use Stasis at all in PvP, but fighting against it is so enjoyable. I have to think about who I'm fighting against in every single fight. Before I got a bit bored before as matches would play out the same, now people are a lot more aggressive in there playstyles. I feel like there is a split in the community because of this change, but I'm glad that there is some change. I even don't mind Felwinters Lie dominating right now, the amount of medium - long range kills I have got because some players end up using it all the time, it's crazy. There isn't to much bad to say about PvE, it's great, the the new raid is fantastic and after 59 days of playing, I still have things to do, so that's a great surprise. The Ups are not just good things, they are great and make Destiny what it is. Downs 1. Sunsetting & Vaulting - I'm sticking these two together because It's the same problem. The loss of content. Although If it makes the future of this game brighter, fine by me. Most of the Planets that were vaulted, I only visited in the strike rotations and on raids. I miss the raids that are gone, but I understand why they had to go. I'm slightly worried about the weapons I am currently using. I don't want them to become useless, I like tracking the kills I've had with them but also finding something new and different. I just feel uncertainty about the future of my gear. 2. Eververse (I swear it's not what you think) - This is also a hard one to talk about. Controversial opinion incoming. I like the Eververse. I'm always excited that every 5 levels I get a new engram (I want all those dances baby!), but what I would love is a rotation of buyable items. For example, each season a new pool of cosmetics, finishers and accessories becomes available. A change that might be difficult for the design team, is halfway through the season we get a new pool of buyable items. Sounds weird that I'm asking to spend money, but I really don't purchase to much from the Eververse, only maybe once a season I get something nice for myself (unless it's with bright bust). So a bigger selection of items would do (a window shopper like me) wonders. 3. Bright Dust & Bounties - This is also a weird one, I feel like I get to little from bounties. These two issues go hand in hand. Plain and simple, we don't really get much from bounties, the three main things that we do get are, Bright Dust, Tokens and Experience. Bright Dust is the most valuable thing, but you only get a small amount from the weekly bounties, 200 Bright Dust per bounty was pretty solid. Now you only receive 100, small bounties only give out 10, which I thought could be increased to 20, or at least 15. But it's a hard one, give to much and the Eververse is broken and real money purchases will be less. Give to little people won't see a point in doing them. Also I don't really know what to do with Tokens, getting rolls of weapons I don't really use seems pointless for a raider like me. This is the first time I've written something like this and it will probably be consumed by the ever growing, ban Stasis posts. But I really am really excited for the future and I just wanted to share my thoughts about the state of Destiny. Yes I have missed a few things out, mostly because I feel like they are smaller issues that will see a fix or change later in the year. Drop a comment if you want add some nice constructive information, I might add it to the post if it's great! Thank you for reading. Grapes.

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