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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Demon): 1/4/2021 12:33:32 PM

Nerfing/fixing needs to happen

Now firstly this is my own opinion, this is something I don't want to happen because of how I feel, this is more of pretty much on what most of the community feels so please don't judge or hate when I say these things. Firstly As much as I'm loving stasis there are a couple of things that need to be both nerfed and fixed, for example the titan behemoth super, don't get me wrong titans finally get a subclass where their melee would actually connect (I should know, I played against titans and you can hear the sound of the melee connecting but nothing happens), the sliding I not too worried about, possibly maybe put a cool down on it for a few seconds because lately I seen nothing but shotgun ape titans sliding All over the place due to their aspect, the main thing I have a issue with is the super itself, in my own opinion I don't think titans should be given so much super armour when they cast their super, I think there super armour should be dimmed down a little so it doesn't take almost a full fireteam to try shutting down a single titan, on top of that the ice pillars that they create while slamming if I'm 5feet higher than that pillar I shouldn't be getting frozen yet that seems to happen frequently. Secondly As a hunter main I can say I'm quiet happy with the equipment that we have been given as stasis, however I will say that our super is a little bit broken in my opinion. For example our super let's us throw two axes, one is to freeze and the other is to create a ice tornado, I have seen my first axe freeze people who aren't in range of the blast radious and I do feel sorry for them, for the second axe I do thing the tornado going through walls is a bit broken don't get me wrong it a aggressive way to push people away from zones but for it to go through walls is a little bit too much, now understanding if they had it where it doesn't go through walls and get stuff on walls people would hide behind walls where it won't reach them, but I'll leave that to you guys to see what you think should happen. Thridly I don't know if it has been me lately that has seen this but I do believe crimson has magically become the goto weapon for almost the whole of the community, there has been matches where the opposing team would be losing then I will realise that the whole team has switch to crimson, now don't get me wrong I don't mind that however when it comes to being shot by someone using crimson I seem to be finding myself being hit by a massive flinch even when I'm using mods that give me unflinching, is this possibly a bug that not been discovered of is this done on purpose. Again all these are my own opinions, none of these are what I'm commanding bungie to do, I have played destiny since the very beginning so please don't take it as a attack to hunters and titans as I haven't said anything on warlocks due to not having much issues lately, there possibly could be some things to fix but I not experience it myself so I will leave you all with this have a good day

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