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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
1/3/2021 9:35:08 AM

Bungee Dawning Art Show Award Emblem

So Hi, On the 20th of December I entered the Dawning Art Show on Twitter and was retweeted as a winner by Bungie. Link to the post is here; The prize for winning the art show is a special emblem that I’ve been eagerly awaiting to receive. I haven’t yet received the emblem on my account which is linked in a comment on my Twitter post. I’ll drop my profile here too; As I mentioned I’ve not yet received my emblem. I’ve read back the TWAB and some posts related to the art show during previous events and understand that it can take a couple of weeks for the winners emblems to appear in their accounts. I also understand that it has been the holidays recently and so things at Bungie have been quieter recently and so a delay getting the emblem is understandable. Basically I’d like to check that Bungie has my profile and I’m wondering how soon to expect my emblem. As I said in my post, I was surprised and elated to see I had won something and can’t wait to proudly equip that emblem and never remove it. Thanks, Bees? TLDR; I won the dawning art show but haven’t got the reward emblem yet, pls help!

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