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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
12/30/2020 4:24:38 AM

I don’t know who the hell needs to hear this, but SMG’s need a desperate buff within PvP.

SMG’s were a brand new weapon type added into the Destiny Universe, but they have never gotten the attention that Hand cannons, shotguns, and sidearms have been given. In PvP, I am trying to test new builds cause sun-setting has had ridiculous consequences to build diversity, and I also like to experiment with new things within the Crucible. This month we have been given the chance to obtain Cold Front, an aggressive frame Submachine Gun. This gun, is absolutely garbage. This gun is terrible and comes with horrendous perks that are just insulting to our time for grinding out these Dawning gift packages. Easily, the machine gun is worth it, only cause it’s like the only other one within the game, and the fusion rifle is worth is because it’s just so damn good. The SMG? Zero stability, no range, terrible TTK, and crappy mag size. Literally, I need to supplement the awful stability with a counter balance mod, but it comes to my own detriment because I can’t extend the mag with backup mag. The TTK is so awful that I have to mag dump into players just to kill them! ONE MAG, ONE KILL! It’s a joke! And this is the same across all the available SMG’s. It makes sense that shotguns can do the damage they do because of the risk to reward if you can even call it that, I find shotguns infinitely times easier to use than an SMG. The sidearm relies heavily on an itchy trigger finger, and depending on the sidearm you can easily out spray any opponent close to you. SMG’s, need a top to bottom buff. Seriously, this is ridiculous that for such a small little gun the kick back is so terrible. Boost stability, mag size and TTK at least! I want the crucible to evolve to such a state where everything is viable, and I see SMG’s severely underrepresented, if represented at all within the crucible.

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