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12/30/2020 9:06:56 AM

only the real survive

wed alll like 2 welcom u here to ths late flite, heh, now entering fifty thousan feet, get u higher than the sky all day an alll nite u have 2 enjoy the ride u got to enjoy the ride now, thsisgonalas, at least 5 minets of ur time, but a whoel lieftime of the real re;altkjealk now if u r to look out ur rite window u will c a map, thers labcabincalifornia, eheheh, rite over there, just now flying over hollywood, take a good glimps now, heheahahhahehah, hold on now, litle turbulence, litel turublence, wer goin down, wer goin down, whers quetnin, fjkls;daj, looks like ur gona hav 2 grab ur parachuts, its time 2 drop down on labcabincalifornia, thatl b the spot, we jus blew an enjine, wer goin down, its goin down, its goin down, its goooooiiiin doooooowwwwwn, its goooooiiieinni dooooowowwwwwwwwn

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