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Изменено (AstroAngelz): 12/28/2020 4:56:18 PM

Clan Recruitment|Psn|Xbox|Discord

The “NotSpicyRamen” Clan |PSN-XBOXl🍜 Introduction We are a clan looking for chill members to play with, we do raids/trials/pvp and more, we are willing to help people who are new to the game or doing their first raid etc. We are here to help each other and be friends. -We are a small clan looking for members that we can play with-Trials|Raids|PVP|PVE etc.. -Our requirements are to be respectful to all members in the clan and no toxicity towards anyone and to also follow all destiny rules, any toxicity will lead to a /mute/ban depending on the situation. -We will help new members when active and if anxious are willing to do whatever’s comfortable for you! Just drop a message by one of the members! -We use Discord as communication and have a Discord server/ the discord server is where we plan activities for our members or somewhere just to hang out. 🤍-Our time zones/UK/EU/US 🤍-Most of the clan played from D1-D2 🤍-Mic is not required most of the time unless for Trials/raids etc. 🤍-Our clan is mostly 18+ but willing to accept younger 🤍-We have 24 hour admins to our discord - Me- Xbox- AstroAngelz - Owner-PSN-Harold_VI XBOX-Harold VI7044

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