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Destiny 2

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Изменено (The 0nly Adam): 12/19/2020 9:10:44 PM

Reworking light subclasses. And how to minimize removing Supers

I realize that reworking the light subclasses to fit the Stasis archetype would require the use of One singular global super for that tree, in turn removing some supers completely. but I would suggest the use of the mechanic that is utilized in the top tree sentinel subclass. where holding the super will instead cast an "alternate" super. this could be applied to most if not all of the subclasses and I think would add a really nice versatility aspect to ability play and combat. for example the Dawnblade tree could be daybreak as its base super. or alternatively you can hold it to place down well of radiance. Ill lay it out for each subclass tree down below. Warlock. Dawn Blade: Tap to activate Daybreak, hold to activate Well of Radience Void walker: Tap super to activate Nova Warp or Hold it to activate Nova Bomb Storm Caller: Tap to activate Stormtrance, Hold to activate Chaos Reach Titan Sentinel: Tap for Sentinel Shield, Hold for Ward of Dawn. Sunbreaker: Tap for Hammer of Sol. Hold for Burning Maul Striker: Tap for Fist of Havoc, Hold for Thundercrash Hunter Nightstalker: Tap for Spectral Blades, Hold For Shadowshot Gunslinger: Tap for Golden Gun, Hold for Blade Barrage Arcstrider: idk cuz theres rlly only the one super but you get the point Again I really think this would add something great to the combat being able to on the fly use one of two different supers. and it would allow the trees to be reworked without removing too many supers or any at all really let me know what you think and I really hope somebody at bungie sees this, I truly believe that the light subclasses need to be reworked to better allow for player to player build diversity. just like in D1. Right now subclass play is very stale and embracing build diversity will give the game a lot more character

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