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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
12/5/2020 10:45:18 AM

Problem with new lighting system

Bungie, while your team looking for HDR issue fix, could team also look at SDR? SDR is also broken, your lighting changes is cool and all but its now harder to play due to eye strain. Let me explain. - shadows now a lot darker and lights are a lot brighter to the point where it is very hard to see somebody, no matter what gamma setting i am using - inconsistent color saturation from place to place, and it is pretty noticeable on various crucible maps - weird ray-tracing-like surfaces, they shining all over the place, best example is “Bannerfall” crucible map, there, all surfaces looks like it got oiled, everything is shining and too bright - also, many places now got some kind of color tint, some got yellow, some green, some blue etc. - weapons and character models now sooo shiny when there is no direct lights, and thats looks unnatural, and the opposite - in the tower armor do not shine at all, no matter what - also, please, look at glow of some weapons, like thorn, its now white instead of green, and i think its pretty much related to the new lighting changes

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