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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
11/27/2020 1:14:06 PM

Rework Polaris Lance to make it more like No Time to Explain

Bungie you guys should give Polaris Lance’s Perfect Fifth perk a rework. Polaris Lance and NTTE are basically the same concept just slightly different and with Scouts already being weak as it is there is basically no reason to use Polaris over the much better NTTE. The rework could go down like... 1. Allow Perfect Fifth stacks to build on precision hits and hits against burning enemies. 2. Allow stacks to be retained until death. 3. At 4 stacks load the explosive shot and allow it to be held until used or death. Polaris Lance and No Time to Explain are practically sister weapons belonging to actual sisters. Let them be the sister weapons they were meant to be.

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