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Изменено (SunnyCrimes): 11/21/2020 12:22:40 AM


We are OKURI-ŌKAMI [狼犬] ! 山の守護犬 Guard dogs of the mountains Japan/USA/Australia/UK Time Zones! It’s NOT a number game I just want people of each time zone to be able to have help if they want. I started this clan because I’m Aussie/日本人/Hawaiian and have friends in different time zones who were tired of grinding alone without having the option to team up if we wanted and couldn’t meet the requirements of most active clans! If you want anything done you have a voice and are a leader too! Admin or not! Make our clan whatever you want! If you wanna be a loner or need to go on vacation? That’s fine who cares? It’s supposed to be a game so just have fun lol (^ ν ^) PS4 / PC / Xbox version clan because most of us use at least 2 😂 Age does not matter but I’m 21+ Most are 18+ ! No content requirements! But if you want to get End Game and Raid activity going let’s do it! Many of us have experience w/ D1 raids at least! So let’s work together and enjoy PVP and PVE, PLEASE don’t hesitate ask for help with Crucible, Quest, Gambit, Strike, Raid! There is no set time for activities, so you can give priority to real life. I personally think that there will be a lot of listening. The main means of communication is this companion app or Discord! Help each other if you are in need! Feel free to do it! If you like, let's be friends too and get along! VC is neither recommended nor deprecated. If you want to do it, you can do it. If you don't want to do it, you don't have to do it. Let's relax and get along with each other. Relax and relax. Clan link: Discord:

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