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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
11/17/2020 2:40:36 AM

Emissary Hoodie Reward Code Suddenly Unavailable

I had previously unlocked the Emissary hoodie from completing the Prophecy dungeon before Season of Arrivals ended; I claimed the reward on my Bungie account, but the discount code is no longer there after Beyond Light launched. It isn't even listed. I have the confirmation email that the hoodie was unlocked, and I had gotten as far as getting the code, so I knew it was claimed so that I could purchase it at a later date. I had claimed my Triumph t-shirt at the same time, but that reward was still listed under the "Rewards" tab on my Bungie account. I was able to redeem and purchase it, no issues. Is there a way I can get a new code for the hoodie?

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