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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Cecret2001): 11/14/2020 9:17:53 PM

Engram flaw

I went to get my weekly engram from Xûr with my warlock and got an item that I already own. I have previously checked if the new available items of the new season look OK to try to get or if I should change to another character. I decided that i liked the options and tried to get one but I got a duplicate, while there are still a couple of weapons and 2 pieces of armor left that I don't have. I don't want this exotic, I want a new one or a 'refund' of the legendary shards, or a good reason why the items that I don't own couldn't be given to me. scources: The uncut version of the video: And the "proof foto's" at the end of the video as video (also uncut):

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