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Destiny 2

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Изменено (ChadGarion25): 11/14/2020 9:31:12 AM

Improve PC Controller Custom Button Layout Options for UI Shortcuts and Weapon Selection

I recently used Cross Play to move from the Xbox One to the PC and was pleasantly surprised by the number of customization options for controller layouts on PC. You can differentiate between Single Press > Double Press > Long Press for pretty much any action your character can make plus you can map it to up to 2 simultaneous button combos. I'm already experimenting with a new control scheme for switching my weapons and I feel these settings have a lot to offer players in terms of convenience and accessibility. [b]What I feel is lacking though are two areas of the controller button mappings; UI Menu Shortcuts and Weapon Selection based on Primary/Special Weapons.[/b] On the Keyboard Bindings you can set UI shortcuts for many main menus in the game including Settings, Quests, Roster, etc.. I'd like those options for the controller bindings as well. I'd like to be able to hold UP on the D-pad and go directly to the Quest Page. In addition to this, there is no UI Shortcut for the "Game Options" menu, either in Keyboard Bindings or Controller Button Mapping. It's very convenient when rapidly swapping characters to just hit one button (Esc) and immediately select "Change Character" rather than navigating and scrolling through the settings menu. I'd like that menu to be bindable to the Keyboard and a Mapping option for the controller as it's very coinvent and useful. The Weapon selection options for the Controller are quite extensive; offering the traditional layout from the Xbox (1), a cycle option more like what you find on a PC (2), and a dedicated mapping option to specify exactly which weapon category you want (3). These are all welcome options, but they revolve mainly around one weapon categorization: [u]Kinetic and Energy[/u]. This is irksome because when I'm in combat in Destiny, my brain doesn't think in terms of Kinetic and Energy weapons, it thinks in terms of [u]Primary and Special weapons[/u]. This becomes a problem when I have a Kinetic Special and a Primary Energy equipped as I can become flustered and miss-select weapons in the heat of a firefight. I propose that the two weapon selections methods revolving around Kinetic and Energy (1 and 3) be toggleable to instead focus on Primary and Special instead. I'm well aware that an issue with this option is if a player equips 2 special weapons or 2 primary weapons this setting would have issues working properly. I think that implementing a default scenario where the game would automatically recognize this issue and defaults to a weapon cycle feature (like scheme 1) to prevent you from locking out of swapping between 2 primaries or 2 specials. I'd also like to point out that all these bindings are optional and technically players can do things that can cause issues if they customize layouts in a way that double binds buttons or actions; the game even warns you with a "Caution" message box warning you about this so I feel that the risk of some small inconsistency in certain weapon loadouts is negligible in offering players intuitive accessibility options. So that's my feedback regarding bindings; I've wanted this kind of option for a long time on the Xbox, was surprised and encouraged to find the variety of options on the PC, and would like to see these options expanded further to add greater controller support for menu UI shortcuts and Weapon Swapping centered around Primary and Special categories.

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