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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
11/2/2020 7:18:04 AM

Secret Victories emblem

So I've been grinding Wayfarer on and off this season, and most earlier sources have stated that you can get the Secret Victories emblem from blind well. This led me to leave this as the last thing to get. Much to my dismay, and after obtaining every other triumph, collection badge, and item from the Forsaken badge, I now find out that you can only get the Drink at the well emblem from the activity. I am hugely disappointed in this after such a massive time sink, and unfortunately I haven't done enough ascendant challenges to finish the triumph seal before the end of the season. I can't imagine Bungie would be willing to just give away the emblem, but any work around would be greatly appreciated.

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