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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Evertreter): 11/1/2020 11:51:46 AM

Bright Dust economy will be bad, and it will incrase FOMO

100 Bright dust instead of 200 for weekly bounty. You give us 10500 in season instead of (11*200+500)=2700 it seams good, but it isn't. Season - 12 weeks now we have: per character: 12(400+400+400) + 4*400 (event) + 2700 from season =18 700 per 3 characters 3(12(400+400+400)+4*400)+2700 = 50 700 We will have: per character: 12(200+200+200) + 4*200 (event) + 10 500 from season=18 500 per 3 characters 3*(12(200+200+200) + 4*200) + 10 500= 34 500 Normal player has 200 dust less "veteran" has 16 200 dust less But now let's take a look on event we have event armour for 6 000 Bright Dust Let's pretend that event take 4 weeks (like halloween now): Now one character can earn: 4* (400+400+400+400)=6400 Bright dust 3 characters 3*6400=19200 S12 one character can earn: 4* (200+200+200+200)=3200 Bright dust 3 characters 3*3200=9600 If you play one character now you can buy event armour, and 3 armours on 3 characters. In S12 you can't, if you want it you need to know this before event or pay silver, or play 3 characters to buy armour only for one of them. This decision (change an Brighrt Dust Economy) will incrase FOMO. Becouse new player don't know that Destiny has events, and evnets armour, so he won't save bright dust, and he won't buy armour or will be force to pay a real money for it. Don't forget that armour isn't the only sesonal/event thing for Bright Dust. Now take a look on veterans - they know the game, they know that they "always" buy 3 aramours - they take this as guarantee thing, and now, they need to save BD (not buy things which they can right now) or pay real money for things that they now have "for free" So new economy will incrase FOMO becouse we can't buy things "for free" (for grind). I know Triss will have a new store, but still she will be selling things, which we can't buy, but we could if economy will stay. English isn't my first language - so sorry for mistakes EDIT: I found this reddit: TL;DR If weekly bounty will give us 160BD everyone will be happy, becouse players with 1 character will gain more BD, and "vereans" who grind BD will have the same amount od BD

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