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Изменено (Spec): 10/26/2020 10:15:07 PM

[PC - GLOBAL] ENIGMA Is Now Recruiting for Beyond Light! (Details Inside)

[b][u]What is ENIGMA?[/u][/b] [spoiler]ENIGMA is a laid-back and incredibly diverse community of people who enjoy playing Destiny 2 and World of Warcraft among other titles. We invite people from all gender identities, orientations, races and backgrounds to join us in our quest to have fun and shoot bad guys! [/spoiler] [u][b]What do you offer to your members?[/b][/u] [spoiler]• An organized and well-maintained Discord server that's a one-stop-shop for staying informed, meeting new friends, chatting, teaming up, and more! Discord is quite literally the core of our community. • Opt-In notifications for Discord because we believe you should be in control of what you get pinged for (plus, ping spam is just bad) • Monthly PvE and PvP events with prizes ranging from clan titles to digital Steam cards to Steam Keys • A dedicated team of Mentors (aka Sherpas) who can show you the ropes and help you improve in various endgame activities such as Raids and Dungeons[/spoiler] [u] [b]What are the requirements to join?[/b][/u] [spoiler]• You play on PC • You're not toxic • You're willing to meet new people and make friends • You're willing to be active in our Discord server • You're willing to lend a helping hand to someone when you can • You want to be a part of a kick-ass community If all or most of these things sound like you, then you're already a good fit! [/spoiler] [b][u]I'm convinced, where do I sign up?[/u][/b] [spoiler]1. Upvote this thread 2. Comment what you're looking forward to the most in Beyond Light 3. Be patient and wait for one of our admins to DM you a link to our Discord server [/spoiler] Thank you for your time and we hope you'll consider joining us!

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