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впервые опубликовано в: Error Code Baboon: What else can I do?
10/27/2020 4:01:04 AM
I think what we are all hoping for is either 1) it is something Bungie did in September that messed with how their servers and our specific configurations chat, or 2) they find it’s our fault due to our setups and can let us know so we can fix it. I’d be fine with that. Like, “hey everyone using the XB6/7 with this firmware update, ask your ISP to roll it back.” I’d do it in a heartbeat. Frankly, right now, there is absolutely nothing we ourselves can do except keep this relevant. Notice that BungieHelp hasn’t responded to these yet...hope that means they are looking for a solution. Xfinity user, XB6, west coast. Starter of many of these threads since last month...

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