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впервые опубликовано в: Paid flawless
10/24/2020 9:31:16 PM
Hmmm, so i have absolutely no issue with people paying to be on a team with other good people. I DO have a problem with people paying for others to play their account for them. Back in original D2 trials, i paid to be on a team of very good players. I did that purely so i could learn. My friends and i weren't anywhere near good enough at the time, and every time we went in, we got stomped and barely got a single win. We had no idea what builds were good, what strategies to use. When i paid these other guys, it wasn't to get a carry (and it's impossible to be carried anyway. You have to play, yourself, and you can't do a bad job as no matter how good your teammates are, they can't make miracles happen). I wanted these guys to show me how its done, to show what a good team with good strategy and communication looked like, so i could just have room to breathe. Before, i could never tell whether i had a bad plan, or my teammates were just too bad. Anyway, I went flawless with that team, and then the very next week, my regular team went flawless, legit, and it was the best feeling ever. I had paid close attention, i knew what worked, and me and my regular team practised like crazy, and it paid off. So i think there's value sometimes in having others teach you, and i don't have a problem paying for that. And the end of the day you're asking three people to give up literal hours of their life with you, someone they don't know, just to teach you. I have no problem if people want to be compensated a little for that.

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