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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (upchief): 10/22/2020 7:48:50 PM

Filling in Nathan's shoes

If Nathan is truely out of the picture, (part of me believes he'll be back) why not scout for some primo talent? Who could possibly fill the shoes of our beloved flippant rogue, Cayde-6? Not matter the size or shape of a man, it's about how much guts and gusto ya got. [i]Jack Black[/i] [i]The Jables[/i] [i]The one man to rule burrito supreme.[/i] I had seen him runnin around the tower, and that may be the only time he played. A hunter, if I remember correctly. Granted, he's not the best at video games, and the new set up is hard for noobs. Red Dead Redemption was more straight forward, so that's where he's been. It would bring a whole lot of spitballing back and forth to the Drifter, and everything else involved. lol

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