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впервые опубликовано в: Chronicler Title
Изменено (xbroggiex): 10/21/2020 8:33:19 PM
I have the title and I even think they should change it to let people get it. Its only the absolute smooth brains that will always pull out the... yOu HaD tWo YeArS!!!!! Rebuttal, but if you even take 1 millisecond to think about it you realise its a really dumb argument. Why? Well not everyone has a pretty simple title high on their priority list of what do in the game since not that long ago no-one knew it was getting vaulted. That and there is a modicum of other things that need to be done in the game before they get removed like Seasonal content/titles for example. Simple solution is to allow players who are only missing Truth to Power continue to obtain it even after BL launches and receive the title, same with the other little lore tidbits that are still obtainable. So the same amount of time is put in its just that you aren't gated because Luke Smith keeps choking his chicken to the "had to be there" ideology.

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