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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
10/20/2020 5:29:17 PM

Chronicler Title

The Chronicler title should stay for the next season because the dreaming city isn’t getting vaulted. There are many people who also agree with me on this one. The season started off with giving us a warning about vaulting but it still takes 231 days to get the title. If there could be some changes made Me and so many others are really close to getting this title. @bungie

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  • Against all those who say it's fair because of how long players were given to obtain the titles going away, I present this counter argument; all Triumphs are gonna be made visible and still obtainable. Albeit the Triumphs directly related to content going away can't be done, others still can for they count towards your career score. However, the content going away is not permanently gone forever, so why is it not then possible to claim these titles and Triumphs when said content returns? The fact that regarding Cursebreaker and Chronicler they have Triumphs that can be obtained after Beyond Light, why would you not then reward them if they strategically saved those obtainable Triumphs for last? All I'm saying is, if it's possible to claim certain key Triumphs regardless after Beyond Light, then it also makes zero sense to not reward them the title for doing the work and having proof of it. This response is coming from a long running veteran who would rather have equity in this game than just see time-gated FOMO "you had to be there" equality status elitism. Anyone who disagrees with this is purely selfish, ignorant, and shares no compassion to any other player who wants to enjoy and experience this game because you only care about "your career" in this game and not the new Guardian who missed out because they haven't been born yet to play. Put that into perspective before you call people out on "you had years" cuz for the majority they actually didn't, just because you were first in line to exist in the right era

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