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Изменено (ShadowMonger__): 10/16/2020 12:30:19 PM



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  • Where do I start.. Obviously the clan is recruiting for new members, and of course we are going to say it’s the best clan ever. What you, the reader, need to realize is we believe this. There are many reasons for us to say this, and I will gladly point out some of the reasons. 1. There are multiple houses that make up the entire clan, and activity is tracked to prevent dead weight. 2. We schedule raids and everyone that is a full member can schedule their own. Each member after a certain number of clears can Sherpa a raid to pass on skills. 3. We have all types of personalities from dedicated PVE, Gambit, Crucible, and die hard Trials players. We do not tolerate drama/toxicity however, and you will be given a swift kick if that happens. Regardless of tenure, status, etc it simply is not tolerated. I could go on, but this is already a wall of text and I don’t feel like putting out a tl:dr. The main thing you should really consider is “am I ready?”.

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