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Изменено (ShadowMonger__): 10/16/2020 12:30:19 PM



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  • [quote]Come one, come all! [b]Raid addicts, Vanguard grinders, Triumph/Seal Chasers, and PvP Lifers.[/b] The Leagues Of Shadows community has a diverse player base, striving to have[b]Fun[/b], [b]Make Friends[/b], [b]Completing Quest[/b], and[b]Knocking Out End Game Content![/b] The activity is consistent between both our[b]Discord Server[/b] and within the [b]Game![/b] [b] VIZ integrates you right into the heart of the community[/b], and you really feel like a clan mate. We are not the biggest, but also not the smallest. [b]350+ members[/b] that make up our 5 houses have a kind of bond that’s always fun to mess around with and poke fun. We are a family of friends at the end of the day [b]constantly providing help for others.[/b] [b]What are the benefits?[/b] [spoiler] 💠 Active, Social, Friendly, and Helpful community environment. 💠 Daily/Weekly scheduled raid LFG’s 💠 Organized user friendly discord. 💠 Streamer/Content Creator support. 💠 Sherpa/Teaching inexperienced members in all content. 💠 Special Teams for try hard end game junkies who wish to share their knowledge. 💠 Like minded Seal/Triumph Hunter and collectors 💠 Informative guides on mods, bounties, weapon/gear load outs And much more... [/spoiler] [b]How do I sign up?[/b] [spoiler]☝️Upvote this post please! 🗣Comment your favorite raid, in game activity, or what you would like to accomplish after joining the community? 📷Check out Instagram: 🐥Check out our Twitter: [/spoiler] I am the founder iwill_R1ZE_ and I am a big time sherpa and raider. Here is my raid report:[/quote] I’m a returning demon :) I love to run raids

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