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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Shadow_Sov): 6/10/2021 3:38:40 AM


Alright, I’ve finally posted the page where Shadow and Variks get together, so I won’t have any new storyline content until after Beyond Light. So, instead of waiting around for another month, I decided to celebrate my anniversary with this game/ Variks/ you guys! It’s been like four years, and once again thank you so much for your support! 💕 ⚠️ [b]I will be posting 3 stories before Beyond Light as celebratory anniversary pages. These will be considered canon (*to my own stories,* since some people don’t understand) IF they align with Beyond Light’s content. If not, they will just be fun pages to celebrate their relationship. [/b]⚠️ Originally I planned to do these because I worried maybe they’d kill off Variks or something along those lines. And while it seems as though he will be fine, you never know, and I wouldn’t want to pass up on an opportunity to show what their relationship would have been like. These pages are more personal and don’t have much connection with the story itself, so be gentle with me, yeah? Maybe? Probably not. -Shadow

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