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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/20/2019 10:08:38 PM


It’s a long quest, but, you get the GJALLARHORN in the end. The Midnight Special Step 1: trade 20 exotics to the Spider for a non functioning replica of the Gjallahorn Step 2: Bring it to Banshee so he can start work on the original design based on the replica Step 3: Gather planetary resources from the EDZ (50 Duskstones) Step 4: Collect materials from Cabal Colussus’s only through precision kills (20 Colussus kills) Step 5: Return to Banshee who then gives you an incomplete product and tells you to visit Shaxx Step 6: Shaxx tells you to get 77 kills in the crucible with any rocket launchers to help train you Step 7: Return to Shaxx to receive a vital component needed for the Gjallahorn Step 8: Return to Banshee to give him the vital component Step 9: Banshee needs you to collect one last piece he needs which is found in a upgraded version of the strike The Weapons Dealer (has heavyweight/lightswitch/and blackout as modifiers) Step 10: Return to Banshee and you will have received THE GJALLAHORN!! . Noted this time around the Wolfpack rounds work differently. The first rocket you fire will not have Wolfpack rounds after the explosion. Instead, the second rocket will have the exact same number of Wolfpack rounds explode out based on how many enemies the first rocket killed. . Good luck!!!

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