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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
9/13/2020 1:32:50 PM

My controller broke-- from dismanteling

OK that may not be the main reason, however my X button on Xbox controller just broke in the middle of dismanteling shaders. I have free weekend so I decided to play some Destiny. There is an IB in play so I hop in and I am SHOWERED with blues and Umbral Engrams which produce A LOT of shaders. Then I hop to Gambit and Strikes to do my weeklies and yet again, so many blues, so many shaders, so many useless legendary engrams. I decide to ignore the loot, however after an hour my inventory and postmaster are full so I spend about 10 minutes dismanteling loot. Umbral Engrams take about 5+ seconds each to destroy and I can't even decode them from my ineventory, so I spend 2 minutes in Tower loading screen only to be kicked to orbit every 5 minutes with some error. Seriously, how is this excesive drop of blues and shaders still a thing? You are well aware that loading times in your game are exceptionaly long and yet you force players to go every hour or so to the Tower to micro manage every item that drops? Because if you don't do so you are losing loot as it is pushed out of full postmaster. Could this kindly be adressed? Are there going to be some changes with Beyond Light? Could we manage all this stuff from orbit while waiting for matchmaking to do it's magic?

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